There is a huge book of wow-related Murphy's Laws hidden somewhere in the deep mysterious dungeon known as Blizzard HQ. It must be coded into the programming language somehow too.
My most hated battleground is Warsong Gulch, followed closely by its almost exact carbon copy, Twin Peaks. And it seems like whenever I que for a random, I almost always get one of these two, causing me to just drop group and eat a 15 min deserter debuff half the time.
Why do I hate them so much, you say? I think it all stems from way back when the very idea of pvp made me want to throw up. Being a wow noob, I had no idea what I was doing, and the very first battleground I ever tried had me running away with my tail tucked between my legs, wondering what fun anyone could ever derive from repeatedly getting tossed around between two death knights playing keep away with you, chain-stunned and eaten alive, and finally getting graveyard camped for 10 minutes.
Then I started doing some more pvp, and while I was aware of how awful I was at it, I found that in larger battlegrounds, such as Alterac Valley and Wintergrasp, it was easy to "blend in" with the crowd. Just run around and look for a group of 5-6 people from your faction ganking one dude, join in the fun and get a couple hits in, and tada! You now have an honorable kill and maybe the feeling that you contributed something. Even though you didn't.
And then as I got better I started to learn some strategies for some of the 15-person BGs as well.
In Arathi Basin, for example, I usually play defense because it's safe, it keeps your death counter relatively low, and still lets you contribute to the game. I mean, yeah, it's important to go farm those HKs and take bases, but someone has to sit at the farm calling out the incoming rush, right? Plus as a rogue I'm pretty perfect for the job since I just sit there stealthed and enemies come running in never suspecting that I'm just waiting to sap them.
For Strands, I always either kill demos or drive demos. It's really the only way to go, and avoids the need for any actual pvp. Eye of the Storm, I dislike due to its similarity to WSG, but I usually sit on a base and defend, which seems to work for me.
WSG and Twin Peaks, however, I still do not have the hang of. Yeah I get that you get flags and stuff, but there is really no way to avoid constant pvp in a battleground that small with that few people. There's no way to hide in the crowd, really. And if one person is stupid, clueless, or plain bad, then it really brings the whole team down.
So anyways, the real point of this post is this: I recently got into a twin peaks. And I kicked ass.
The score was 0-0, both sides has each other's flags and the FCs were tucked into their own bases, well covered by DPSers and healers. What else does anyone expect from the first 2 minutes of these matches? Usually what happens next is a painfully drawn-out back-and-forth tug of people trying to kill the FCs.
I rushed out to the enemy base, stealthed, and checked out the situation. A DK had the flag and was well guarded with a shammy healer, a paladin, and a hunter. I waited for reinforcements to arrive before opening up straight onto the DK. I knew it was useless to try to kill the shammy without a coordinated attack so I just went right for the FC. I stunned her, dropped a smoke bomb to prevent healing for a few seconds, popped my CDs and dug into her like crazy. Her hp dropped fast but not fast enough, and sure enough when smoke bomb cleared the shammy was on her.
Then someone else had locked down the shammy and the DK knew she was in trouble. As I whittled down her hp she made a very stupid mistake - she jumped off the platform and briefly went out of the shammy's healing range.
I almost couldn't believe it as I landed the killing blow and she dropped our flag. I returned it, and the next instant our FC capped. Score was 1-0.
What happened next was probably the crowning moment of my entire pvp career.
Everyone seemed kind of confused, or maybe it was just me. We sat there, our assault force and their defense, attacking each other kind of absent mindedly. Then the flags reset. I saw it, sitting in the base right next to me, and I I dare click this thing???
Well, I did. My HP was barely at half and the moment I picked it up a paladin fixated onto me. He hammer-stunned me, I trinketed out, hit him a couple times for combo points and popped sprint and ran out of that room as fast as I could. On the way I used recuperate to try to bring my HP back up a bit. As soon as sprint ran out I hit preparation to reset the CD and sprint again. I had a good lead on my chasers, but they were now mounted and catching up quick.
When they caught up I popped evasion and hit the shammy a couple times to start recuperate ticking again. I could see the bridge ahead now, and lo and behold a horde shaman was closing in on me. I knew that as soon as I could get within healing range of him, I was safe. My HP was dangerously low, hovering around the 5k mark. One good hit would kill me for sure.
Evasion ran out and I was still running. I popped combat readiness and chugged a potion as a last ditch attempt. My HP still drained from the relentless assault, and then the next instant - I was up to half HP. The shammy was healing me! He slapped earth shield on me and I cheered and ran. I saw the shammy getting pummeled and I stopped quickly to peel off his attackers. I used combo points for recuperate. My HP started falling again but more reinforcement were arriving. Soon a druid had put HoTs on me and a paladin Lay on Hands me. I left them all to fight it out as I made a beeline for our base...and within seconds I was there and I had capped the flag.
Score was now 2-0. And all this within 5 minutes of the start of the BG.
The allies, discouraged by our early lead, seemed almost to give up. Almost immediately our horde pally picked up the flag and capped again, with practically no resistance. And the battleground was won.
This doesn't happen to me often. I just wanna put that out there. But it felt good.
Really good.
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